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Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor Technology for Nutrient Removal Intensification - Results from Bay Area Piloting

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 1:00pm - 1:45pm EST  
Host: WEF Buyers Guide
By: Matt Reeve, Process Engineer, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions; Mike Falk, Wastewater Lead, West Region, HDR; and Michael Cunningham, Engineer, Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District

Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) is a process intensification technology that upgrades activated sludge plants in a simple, fast & energy efficient manner. It is increasingly being applied as a cost-effective solution to expand capacity and improve nutrient removal performance of facilities in the US and globally.

Join Veolia, the Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District (Central San), and HDR to hear firsthand the results of an MABR pilot completed for secondary process intensification to remove nitrogen while maintaining a low 1.2 day bulk Solids Retention Time (SRT). MABR has the potential to reduce capital costs for the construction of new aeration tanks and clarifiers to meet regulatory limits.


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Matt Reeve
Matt Reeve

Process Engineer, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

Matt is a member of Veolia Water Technology & Solutions biological process incubation team, bringing innovative technology and their combinations to market. He has a decade of experience in designing, piloting, and refining MBR, MABR, and densification technologies.

Mike Falk
Mike Falk

Wastewater Lead, West Region, HDR

Mike is HDR’s West Region Wastewater Lead. He specializes in nutrient management with an emphasis on technologies, as well as watershed based regional solutions. He has been working on projects at Central San since he started his career at HDR in 2008.

Michael Cunningham
Michael Cunningham

Engineer, Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District

Michael is an Associate Engineer with Central San’s Operations Optimization Division. He is project manager of the MABR pilot project and has over 10 years of experience in process engineering and project management.