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Mastering NPDES Ammonia Regulations: Field Insights and Game-Changing Technology

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 1:00pm - 1:45pm EDT  
Host: WEF Buyers Guide
By: Adam Jennings, WWT-IV, WWC-IV, WLA-I, Wastewater Applications Development Manager, Hach

Minimizing NPDES risk, reducing energy consumption and optimizing wastewater process control for a stout nitrogen removal system. This talk will connect the operator view, maintenance and management roles for nitrogen permit compliance and wastewater optimization to increase success, learn from some field cases and save valuable resources using technology. This talk will focus on some fresh thoughts connecting operations, compliance and technology to maximize nitrogen removal in wastewater.

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain perspective on NPDES compliance and operating in a traditional manner from a management view to an operators.
  • Discussion on seasonal and diurnal loading and tools to reduce ammonia bleed through
  • Will cover how technology and specific data management can help with future wastewater strategic planning, staff, plant upgrades, etc.
  • Connecting real world operational examples of online instrumentation, process control lab and data management for improved Ammonia, Total Inorganic Nitrogen and Total Nitrogen removal. 


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Adam Jennings, WWT-IV, WWC-IV, WLA-I
Adam Jennings, WWT-IV, WWC-IV, WLA-I

Wastewater Applications Development Manager, Hach

Adam’s background and foundation is in wastewater operations and management, having previously worked as an operator, operations supervisor, and plant manager.
His professional operations licenses include: Class IV Wastewater Treatment, Class IV Collection System, and Class I Wastewater Lab Analyst.
He started in the wastewater field 18 years ago. In operations, he supervised a team of operators during a changing regulatory landscape with new stringent nutrient limits on the horizon. Having sat in the plant manager role, and now with Hach he hopes to bring some new perspectives and foster creative thinking and plant optimization. With Hach his role includes new product development and travel to wastewater plants across the country connecting technology to optimization and process control.