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Trends in Mine Water Management

Wednesday, August 7, 2024 11:00am - 11:45am EDT  
Host: WEF Buyers Guide
By: Lucy Pugh, P.E., BCEE, Vice President, Global Industrial Water Practice Director, AECOM and Eric Schraml, Industrial National Market Sector Lead, AECOM

The webcast will present water management strategies for mining operations driven by the clean energy transition (increasing demands for rare earth elements and other precious metals), a tightening regulatory framework governing water discharges, and ESG considerations as the industry expands into water scarce areas.


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Lucy Pugh, P.E., BCEE
Lucy Pugh, P.E., BCEE

Vice President, Global Industrial Water Practice Director, AECOM

Lucy Pugh is a technical practice director for industrial water and wastewater at AECOM. She has developed and applied solutions to water and wastewater challenges in a broad range of industry sectors for more than 35 years. Lucy works with industries to reduce water use and advance wastewater reuse solutions to minimize their water footprint. Her experience includes process troubleshooting, treatability and pilot tests, design, construction, and operations support for removal of both conventional and emerging pollutants through application of biological and physical/chemical technologies. Lucy is also a member of AECOM's team that is developing and demonstrating DE-FLUOROTM electrochemical technology for PFAS destruction.

Eric Schraml
Eric Schraml

Industrial National Market Sector Lead, AECOM

Eric is a Professional Engineer with more than 30 years of experience leading technical teams in the development and delivery of projects for industrial clients; Eric has specific specialization in the mining sector. Eric’s experience includes 27 years in the engineering services industry and 5 years in an industrial operating environment as a project engineer and eventually as a maintenance superintendent. Eric serves as the National Market Sector Lead for Industrial services for AECOM Canada’s Water Business Line.