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MBRs are more cost effective than ever before!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 1:00pm - 1:45pm EDT  
Host: WEF Buyers Guide
By: Jennifer Lim, ZeeWeed Immersed Products Director, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions and Thor Young, NA Wastewater Treatment & Recycling Practice Lead, GHD

Attend this webinar to learn about the improvements made to MBR technology over the last decade that make it cost-effective compared to CAS treatment. Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions has teamed with GHD to develop a cost model for a 20-year lifecycle at a greenfield WRRF that considers multiple treatment scenarios. The model along with real-world case studies will be presented.


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Jennifer Lim
Jennifer Lim

ZeeWeed Immersed Products Director, Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

Jennifer is a Professional Engineer with a background in mechanical engineering and a specialization in multi-phasic flow. She began her career working in nuclear engineering and completed a masters in aerospace engineering before switching focus to water & wastewater treatment. Starting as a Project Engineer, she has focused on ZeeWeed product development for the last 22 years. She holds a PhD in engineering with a thesis on membrane bioreactor scalability.

Thor Young
Thor Young

NA Wastewater Treatment & Recycling Practice Lead, GHD

Thor Young is a Principal with GHD with 30 years of experience in wastewater treatment facility design, with extensive experience in the use of membrane bioreactors for advanced treatment design. Thor is located in GHD’s Bowie, MD office and currently serves as GHD’s North American Wastewater Treatment & Recycling Lead.