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Solving Phosphorus Removal Challenges with Magnetite Ballasted Technology

Wednesday, December 16, 2020 2:36pm - 3:36pm EST  
Host: Evoqua Water Technologies (now part of Xylem)

Standards for advanced total phosphorus (TP) levels in different types of water bodies continue to evolve, whether from point or nonpoint sources. As a result, many water pollution control plants (WPCP) may have to undergo major upgrades to meet TP discharge limits, some as low as 0.04 mg/l. The CoMag® system from Evoqua Water Technologies is a high-rate clarification unit operation based on chemical coagulation-flocculation which uses particles of magnetite to ballast the inorganic flocs generated. Magnetite is a naturally occurring iron ore (Fe3O4), fully oxidized, completely inert and non-abrasive. With a specific gravity of 5.2 and an affinity to be embedded inside the flocs magnetite significantly increases settling rates. Due to its ferromagnetic properties, magnetite can also be recovered in excess of 99% via rare-earth magnets installed in the waste line.

The innovative application of magnetite has been utilized in the mining industry for decades. Since its introduction in the early 2000s, the CoMag system has gained acceptance in the wastewater industry. To date, there are more than 40 plants that have selected the CoMag system to cost-effectively address their phosphorus and solids removal needs.

Watch this webinar and learn how the CoMag system can help municipalities meet stringent phosphorus permits without tertiary filters, and provide process resilience for wet weather flow management and high solids excursions.