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Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties

A producer of high purity magnesia and dolomitic lime products used worldwide in water and wastewater treatment applications

Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties

Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties is a global leader in the manufacture of high purity magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide products, which are used in a variety of environmental, industrial, chemical, and specialty applications. Additionally, Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties is the largest producer of high purity dolomitic lime in North America.

With its primary manufacturing facilities in Manistee, Michigan (magnesia plant) and Woodville, Ohio (dolomitic lime plant), Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties also employs global and domestic distribution points to better serve its customers both domestically and worldwide.


  • FloMag®H

    FloMag®H is a concentrated, stabilized aqueous suspension of magnesium hydroxide with excellent flow and storage properties.  FloMag®H is used in wastewater treatment for acid neutralization, biological wastewater, and heavy metal removal, sugar and chemical processing, and other industrial applications.

    More Information » magnesiaspecialties.com/applications/wasteWater

  • FloMag®HUS

    FloMag®HUS is a concentrated, extra stable, aqueous suspension of magnesium hydroxide with
    excellent flow and storage properties. FloMag®HUS slurry is specially designed for prolonged stability
    for sales in drums, totes or in long-term bulk storage.  FloMag®HUS is used in wastewater treatment for acid neutralization, biological wastewater, and heavy metals removal, sugar and chemical processing, and other industrial applications.

    More Information » magnesiaspecialties.com/applications/wasteWater

  • FloMag®MHP

    FloMag®MHP is a fine white magnesium hydroxide powder produced from magnesium-rich brine and dolomitic lime specifically designed for wastewater treatment applications.  FloMag®MHP is recommended for acid neutralization, biological wastewater treatment, heavy metal precipitation, and the stabilization of heavy metals in sludge. FloMag MHP can be added directly to the water or sludge as a powder or as a slurry. FloMag®MHP is recommended for use in applications where wastewater treatment time is critical.

    More Information » magnesiaspecialties.com/applications/wasteWater

  • FloMag®HP & FloMag®HP-ER

    FloMag®HP and FloMag®HP-ER are reactive grades of magnesium oxide powders specifically
    designed for use in potable water treatment. Both FloMag®HP & HP-ER are Certified by NSF to
    conform to the requirements of NSF Standard 60 for Drinking Water Chemicals – Health Effects
    under the Categories of pH Adjustment and Coagulation & Flocculation.

    More Information » magnesiaspecialties.com/applications/water

    FloMag®HP & FloMag®HP-ER
  • FloMag®PWT

    FloMag®PWT magnesium oxide granular products are filter media specifically designed for potable water treatment. FloMag®PWT is Certified by NSF to conform to the requirements of NSF Standard 60 for Drinking Water Chemicals - Health Effects under the Categories of pH Adjustment and Coagulation & Flocculation.  FloMag®PWT is designed for point of use acid neutralization in potable water treatment. Typical applications include pH Adjustment of potable water with a pH greater than 4.

    More Information » magnesiaspecialties.com/applications/water

  • FloMag® PWT MHP

    FloMag®PWT MHP is a fine white magnesium hydroxide powder produced from magnesiumrich brine and dolomitic lime.  FloMag®PWT MHP is certified by NSF to conform to the requirement of NSF Standard 60 for Drinking Water Chemicals - Health Effects Under the Categories of pH Adjustment and Coagulation & Flocculation.  FloMag®PWT MHP is designed for pH Adjustment in potable and non-potable water treatment systems.

    More Information » magnesiaspecialties.com/applications/water

    FloMag® PWT MHP
