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GES Biotek

Microbiological Odor Control Solutions


  • Enhanced Cell-Max™

    Enhanced Cell-Max™ provides all of the benefits of high-performance engineered biofilter media (smaller footprint, shorter residence time, longer media life), but at ¼ of the weight of comparable engineered media. This allows for significantly lower project costs.

    More Information » www.gesbiotek.com/products/enhancedcellmax.html

    Enhanced Cell-Max™
  • Cell-Max™

    Cell-Max™ media is designed for the treatment of high levels of H2S in Bio-Scrubbers® (biotrickling filters). It is rigid and acid resistant, therefore eliminating compaction or degradation while consistently achieving specified H2S removal rates.

    More Information » www.gesbiotek.com/products/cellmax.html

  • Fiber-Max™

    Fiber-Max™ biofilter media is a proprietary blend of organic materials for the removal of complex odors and VOCs. This fibrous cellular substrate material is manufactured only from trees and large tree branches.

    More Information » www.gesbiotek.com/products/fibermax.html

  • Crater-Max®

    Nature’s billion-year-old natural ecosystem for sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Crater-Max® is specifically engineered and processed for chemical resistance, size, and optimum surface area for H2S removal.

    More Information » www.gesbiotek.com/products/cratermax.html

  • GES Nutrients

    GES 1578 Super Nutrients are formulated as a supplement to enhance the growth of acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and ferroxidans microorganisms in a biological scrubber ecosystem where the primary food source is H2S in the foul air stream.

    More Information » www.gesbiotek.com/products/gesnutrients.html

    GES Nutrients
Web Site: gesbiotek.com 

