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Chris deBarbadillo, PE

Chris deBarbadillo, PE

Plant Optimization Practice Leader
Black & Veatch
 United States
Timezone: America/New_York

Chris has over 30 years of experience in a variety of wastewater projects, including process evaluations, troubleshooting, design and operation of pilot facilities, and treatment plant design. As a process engineer, Chris performed detailed assessments for over fifty wastewater treatment facilities to optimize performance and develop upgrades, including many facilities with low nutrient permit limits. She is also a licensed operator, having worked for 9 years at a large treatment plant with stringent nutrient limits. Chris is active in research and application considerations for next-generation nitrogen removal processes such as deammonification, as well as manipulation of liquid and solids processes for optimization of carbon content for nutrient removal and digestion.

Date & Time (EST) Title Role
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
1:00pm - 1:45pm
Revolutionizing Nutrient Removal: Future Trends and Emerging Technologies Presenter
