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Laura Stock

Laura Stock

Municipal Sales Manager
SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions
Oakville Ontario
Timezone: America/New_York

Laura began her career at SUEZ after graduating from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario with a degree in Mechanical Engineering & Management. In her first role, she gained “hands on” experience providing start-up services and operator training for MBR, UF, and RO systems across North America. Laura has also held roles with SUEZ’s automation and commercial engineering teams where she leveraged her practical experience and product knowledge to develop creative solutions in response to customer needs. In 2019, she joined the sales team where she works with customers in New England to solve their water and wastewater treatment challenges. Laura lives in Ontario, Canada and enjoys camping with her husband, Gary and dog, Moose.

Date & Time (EDT) Title Role
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
1:00pm - 1:45pm
Process Intensification with membrane bioreactors: A North American Update and Best Practice Review Presenter


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