Hiller Deca Press for sludge dewatering
HILLER DecaPress proves its outstanding performance in a practical way through its simple operation, stability, and the best quality of solid-liquid separation. The HILLER DecaPress is therefore an example of the highest technical capability and operational stability, without comprimisation even under dynamic operating conditions.
The latest HILLER compact unit, the DecaPac, can be put to work on your separation task straight away. The key advantages include rapid availability, simple plug and play integration into ongoing operations, as well as the very attractive price point and low operational costs.
Our mobile test facility "Lindsey" is available to our customers in the US all year round.
In a 1-2 week trial on site with one of our mobile plants, we ensure that our customers find the optimal solution for their process and thus safeguard the customer.
Whether it is a trial of sludge dewatering using decanters or a dewatering trial with industrial wastewater or the production of beverages using decanters, we will be happy to advise you. Contact us today!
Mr. Michael Falterer
+49 162/2914639
General process concept
To achieve an ideal consistency in the raw or mixed sludge prior to the digestion, as a general rule the excess slduge is mechanically thickened before mixing with the primary sludge. The excess sludge thickening reduces the amount of sludge
fed to the digestion tank. This yields considerable energy savings and better use of the digestion system, as well as longer
retention times in the digestion process. This results in further reduced digested sludge quantities as well as improved dewatering properties thereof.
Hiller decanter for thickening
Decanters for thickening are not designe...
More Information » www.hillerzentri.de/images/pdf/Flyer_Eindickung__L...
Basic procedural approach:
Waste activated sludge (WAS) is generally mechanically thickened prior to mixing with the primary sludge, in order to achieve an optimal consistency in the raw/mixed sludge subsequently before digestion. The amount of sludge added to the digestion tank is therefore reduced by means of a waste activated sludge thickening process. This provides energy savings and better digestion tank utilisation and/or longer detention times in the digestion stage. This results in reduced amounts of digested sludge and improved dewatering properties of the digested sludge.
In addition to the known effect of separation of solids by sedimentation in 2 phase decanters the HILLER Tricapress Decanters make use of the density differences of both liquids to separate them from each other in only one process step. Here two liquid phases with different densities – which cannot be mixed – are separated from a solids phase.
In addition to the well-known effect of separating solids by sedimentation, the density differences of the two liquids are
used to separate them from each other.
The separation process itself is quite simple, but its optimization requires a huge know-how and long-lasting experience. This does not apply only for achieving the best possible product qualities, but also for managing impurities and for avoiding interfering effects to ensure a stable operation of the machine.
HILLER decanters and equipment are used in many situations where protection from explosion is also necessary. For
instance in many areas of industrial production where raw materials and environmental technology is used, and where
products being processed may create a situation when an explosive atmosphere may be created. The appropriate equipment is necessary in order to protect people and equipment from the danger.
As a German manufacturer, HILLER always uses ATEX (AT-mosphére EXplosive) as the basis for design. However, a design according to countryspecific requirements (e.g. according to NEC 500 or NEC 505) is also possible.
To check the centrate quality for a consistently high degree of separation, HILLER GmbH offers a new and patented process for monitoring the centrate: the HILLER Centrate Control. This means we offer our customers optimum procedural reliability.
Operators of decanter centrifuges, regardless of whether they are manufacturing companies, operators or the processing industry, have to react ever more quickly to changing external requirements. Malfunctions that lead to machine downtime cause trouble and costs. With HILLER‘s flexible remote maintenance solution - for example via a webbased service portal and corresponding intelligent end devices - such downtimes can be significantly reduced and often avoided altogether. HILLER remote monitoring is designed as a universal complete solution for the simple and secure connection of networks via the Internet.
HILLER has developed a system that helps you to save up to 30% of the energy consumption of your decanter.
With the HILLER ECO-Jet Weir Plates you save cash, plain and simple - within just a short time this investment will have paid
for itself. Installing these weir plates does not result in any loss of performance at all.
The development of the SEE-Control pro enables the best process results as well as optimum energy consumption of the HILLER decanter.
The SEE-Control pro also focuses on fast and reliable monitoring of the electrical instruments. The touch-based user interface is intuitive to operate and, thanks to the light/dark switching option, easy to read even in different lighting conditions. The newly visualised user interface convinces with a fresh and simple design and was awarded the German Design Award 2021. The SEE-Control pro can be individually adapted to different user profiles of customers. It thus enables better communication between human and machine.
Simple connection to remote maintenance possible Communication to the plant PLC is currently by Profinet. The SEE-Control pro can also be easily connected to a remote maintenance module. Remote maintenance offers several advantages to the customer and quickly pay for themselves. On the one hand, they ensure the highest p...
More Information » www.hillerzentri.de/images/pdf/Flyer_SEE_Control_p...